This is something I never even forsaw in my dreams of home ownership. We are staying up late prepping thanksgiving dinner. Whipping up some pie, jell-o and defrosting the turkey in the sink. There was a strange sound coming from the kitchen sink like breaking ice, when all of the sudden the entire kitchen sink caves in. Apparently my beautiful undermount sink is just glued in place. Here it is thanksgiving eve and I have plenty of dishes and NO SINK. Thanks to my ingenious spouse that woke from a dead sleep to chaotic screems in the kitchen and his creativity ("like handy manny as Sam would say") we no longer have a sink sitting on the garbage disposal. He used my son's little wooden chair to prop up the sink. We can now use the water but I don't dare place anything in it. How am I to find a repair man on Thanksgiving day? I will post pictures later, this is to good not to share.